Monday, 2 August 2010

The Unforgettable Date..

Unforgetatable Date.... am sure you are thinking that I be writing about my best date ever but .. hahaha its just the opposite.. It was so bad that I keep on thinking about it till today.. On why ever in hell did I let myself myself into that Worst Date Ever of my life..

Well the usual scenario would be like this cartoon...! I would be having the pleasure of being impressed by the guy , and would be testing how high the guy would jump rope for me ! hehehehe..

I have been wine and dine and wine and dine many times and easily forgetabble dates. Just that this   unforgetabble date is with someone I kinda have  "Great Expectations On ..." well maybe coz of the Great Expectation"  it was the worst furthest from the expectations..

Summarised version..
For one, I had to wait for one hour for the guy to arrive, was actually asked to wait at several different locations,  and no apologise for lateness, never asking  me how I am , rude to the waitress,   immediately went on a dialogue about himself.  and all about him.  What a bummer... (~__~)

It would have not mattered where it was or the lateness of the arrival , would have been forgivable if only ...  , just prefereably ,  the guy would be more of a  Great Guy? ..  I really am not expecting much ...Just a normal, average,  Guy Guy! ..

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