Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Soon out of the corporate world

.. Change is inevitable, life must go on, and the next step is, ywar.. My next step is to take a leap of faith and leave the corporate world, well for the moment anyway, dunno till when though, always have to try what we secretly wish for , ... Gonna go a trekking the jungle out there to my homeland, home sweet home, home where the heart is. Somehow I do feel deadly scared to venture out there without the sense of financial security backing me up ( ... getting my monthly moolah of course. ) ermmm.. hope I won't starve..'coz because I cannot shop as I like, buy whatever I like. Ermm , actually to shop within a budget is deathly difficult.,.. But as John Wayne said, and I quote ;
"Courage is being scared to death--and saddling up anyway"
So my count down to this wondrous new world is erm 21 days to go... yaiihhh! but then again to sacrifice my 9 to 5 daily-routine-stressful-tough-boring job and to gain familiar ground, familiar voices, familiar sounds... ermmm right now feel like calling the cab and head to KLIA ,and take the plane home....

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