Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Feeling like I can take on the world with Pezzaz!

Yesterday is gone... Thank fully .. I was sick and i don't like feeling sick,  I feel soo helpless and hopeless.. but I did try to enjoy the sick off day. It was fine so fine and restfull
Most importantly,  got my Energy back today!! And I feel more wonderful than ever.. sot hahahaha

Today,  feeling so so much better and Happier  and Brighter and Shinnier .. (~__~)  Can you see me shimmering? hehehe  Urm but still feeling the dizziness if I move or turn my head too fast though.. maybe I should start bit slower  today . Not too much play or else my newly renergize mind, body and soul might crash again ..

The thing that makes me most happiest today is that I have line-up and prioritize on all the stuff am gonna get .. LOL ... Shophaholic Trait kicking in .... (~__~) But hey I really need these things .. Ya know..