Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Am Home...Sweet? Spicy?

Hello Everybodeee... , yeah am home .. at long last. Home sweet spicy home... Been a month already here, money has run out...after buying stuff that I need to make my room very homey and very comfortable, ;air conditioning , for my tiny room which is really small and it is freezing when I turn on the air-cond..(I Like It) water heater for my small tiny bathroom.. Its nice and comfy all around ... hehe But ermmm now feeling the real deal. Paid all my credit cards, and some still outstanding.. Thinking of where to get the $$$ to pay my outstanding credit card bills... So was going around Wisma with My Mum one day and, this lady came up to me and ask me to join her .. so there I am, doing marketing sale job, but just as soon I make a sale, I use it all up... kais pagi makan pagi, .. This is Life now... anywhere.. That day bought so many nice things for my bath routine ;-)... but I love my bath time, the sweet smelling soap, I just cannot live without, there is a really good explaination, My skin is alergic to the normal soap , what to do ohh... so I still have to use only plant base soap for my skin. Now dreaming up big sum of money coming to me.. Hear that Universe??? send me money .. I really need it worrr...